Keeping Occupied In Tier 4
As you are probably aware, many places in the south of England are moving into the newly announced tier 4. Some areas have already been placed in the tier and others will be moving in on boxing day. This specific tier has the most intense restrictions of all. Even equating to something similar to the lockdown which began back in March.
Tier 4 has begun to battle the new strain of the coronavirus. According to the government, ‘the new variant transmits more easily than the previous one but there is no evidence that it is more likely to cause severe disease or mortality’. Therefore, unfortunately leading to more cases and even deaths if it spreads as fast as they think. Looking after yourself in tier 4 is essential as well as following the guidelines of ‘stay home’. Although, as you will already know, tier 4 is not the most exciting time, therefore, we have put together some ways to keep you occupied.
As all of the indoor gyms and exercise facilities, they will all be closed. Although these rules are exempt to those who are under 18 using them for educational purposes. Therefore, how can you exercise and what can you do? Thankfully, there are still plenty of options which you are able to take allowing you to keep fit in your tier. People can exercise outdoors or visit some public outdoor places, for example, public gardens and parks. Not only this just outdoor facilities like tennis courts, outdoor gyms and golf courses are able to open to households and bubbles. If none of these options suit you, why not try exercising in your own home. You could create some space and follow an online class on YouTube or something similar. Either way, doing some sort of exercise daily is essential.
Stay in touch
Whether you are already in tier 4 or you are entering on boxing day, you will know that keeping in touch with your relatives and friends is important. Take advantage of the use of Zoom or FaceTime in these times. Communication is key when it comes to being confined to just your home, unable to see and mix with anybody else. On these calls, you could even play something fun like some sort of games or entertaining activities to brighten your day.
Create your own entertainment
Although we have access to the internet, social media and even plenty of TV shows and films, even they can get boring after a while. Therefore, creating your own entertainment is essential. With restaurants and pubs being closed, why not try having family cooking nights. Each person creates a meal for you all to try or even create some sort of theme nights in your home. Cooking is not everybody string point, so others may want to try something different, like creating their own games and trying something new.
Times like this give us the perfect opportunity to save money on things like shopping and eating out etc. Giving us the chance to get a headstart in one of the most common new year’s resolutions, to begin saving more. For tips on saving and budgeting click here.